We're very excited to announce that Massive Monster has received a grant from Film Victoria for our new unannounced project!

We're keeping the game a shush shush secret for now until we're ready to tell everyone about it, but all I can say for now is that it involves a lamb, now I know what you think. Where's the giraffe at? But let me assure you there will a giraffe in the game... Do not worry!
We recently moved our Australian side of things over to Melbourne from Sydney and have now been here for a year, For which I can strongly recommend not only for being a cool state with lots of yummy food but providing a very strong community for game development in part thanks to Film Victoria.
You can also see all the other super cool projects that have been funded over here.
Keep an eye out for more updates on the game by subscribing to our mailing list :)
Until than, - Julian.